Yes. Commercial ancestral Y-DNA testing has revealed that 60% of Irish males will have a pre-Viking Gaelic origin, and that almost all of those will have earlier detectable links with Scotland (the Y-DNA test only explores the paternal line). R-L21 Haplogroup and the growing number of downstream (more recent in chronology) is the haplogroup of … For example the Celtic ‘Boii’ gave their name to their original homeland of ‘Bohemia,’ with Boii translating as ‘the Herding or Warrior people.’ It can be argued that the Gaels were more pastoralists than cultivators, and remarkably ‘Bo’ in modern Gaelic can mean ‘cow’ and/or ‘victory’ (Gallaimh Ubu is the cry of Galway’s Gaelic football and Hurling fans). The DNA points to an exodus of Proto-Gaels from that area approximately 2,000 years ago. Men have two small pieces of DNA that are very informative about ancestry. UPDATED October 2020, NEW (6th) McDonald Case Study Added! When one thinks of Scottish surnames, one almost always thinks of those that begin with Mc’ or Mac.’ This is an over simplification as Scottish surnames are quite diverse and reflect the various... Scotland was first settled roughly 10,000 years ago after the end of the last ice age. Many in Canada and the USA whose ancestors crowded onto the white-sailed ships have been reunited with their Scottish past through taking DNA tests. The Gaels from Scotland and Ireland would in turn plague Roman Britain for centuries with raids (one such raid would later bring to Ireland a Romano-Briton slave boy known as Patricius). Putting a timeframe to BigY SNP mutations. Julius Caesar himself described the Battle of the Vosges in The Gallic Wars as follows; ‘then at last of necessity the Germans drew their forces out of camp and disposed them canton by canton, at equal distances, the Harudes, Marcomanni, Tribocci, Vangiones, Nemetes, Sedusii, Suevi; and surrounded their whole army with their chariots and wagons, that no hope might be left in flight. Domhnall Ban could hold back the tears no longer. His fatherline comes from the Germanic peoples of the Alpine regions of Southern Germany and Switzerland and Northern Italy. Scientific evidence of an ancient Gaelic Celtic influx of people from Ireland may have been unearthed by DNA techniques.researchers from Edinburgh University state that studies of the DNA of the inhabitants of Islay, Lewis, Harris and Skye discovered strong links with the people of Ireland.Early historical sources tell us that the Gaelic Celts came from Ireland about 500 AD and conquered the Picts in Argyll.Scientists claim the study to be the first demonstration of a significant Irish genetics component in Scots' ancestr… The Scottish mtDNA Project is primarily for individuals looking for help in identifying the Scottish origins on their own direct maternal line of descent and who support the goals of the Scottish mtDNA Project. If you have taken a commercial ancestral Y-DNA test then look for evidence of your earlier Scottish origin in the surnames of your matches at the 25 and 12 marker levels (keep in mind that not all Scots surnames begin with Mc/Mac’). One summer Sunday afternoon in the 1890s Donald MacIver was driving his pony and trap up the grass track to Miabhig, towards the Atlantic coast of the Isle of Lewis. Ireland and Scotland's common ancestry has been revealed in the findings of a … Even though people might say that he looks like one. Unless you've done your research on this little country's history, you might not know that today's Scots are the descendants of people from many different countries. Pinpointing Your MacDonald Origin! The Scottish Surnames, Clans and Castles Maps are finally HERE! In England and Eastern Scotland, the frequency is tiny at 0.1 per cent. That moment prompted MacIver to write his great lyric, An Ataireachd Ard, a hymn to memory and loss, to change and emigration, the wash of history across Scotland. The Romans were brutal. The genetic evidence is still under development, however, and because only very rough dates can be derived from it, it is hard to weave evidence from DNA, archaeology, history … Find out more about how you can research your family tree and uncover your Scottish ancestry DNA with our handy eBook. Perhaps because of his stature and looks, Si King insisted to Dave Myers that he had to have Viking blood coursing through his veins. Scotlands DNA finds an answer..A recently discovered DNA marker suggests that 10% of Scottish men are directly descended from the Picts. Scotland's DNA was set up by Dr Wilson along with historian Alistair Moffat, the current rector of St Andrews University. ‘Chaneil nith an seo mar a bha e”. Many generations of historians have puzzled over what used to be called the problem of the Picts. The Royal house of Scotland sprang from the Kings of the Scots, who constituted only one of the 6 peoples inhabiting the modern lands of Scotland. Women carry only mtDNA, but it can also trace motherlines deep into the past and trace the journeys of their foremothers across the face of the earth to reach Scotland. The story of how they accelerated is dramatic and will be told in the next installment of this remarkable story. Indeed, the whole project, Highland or Lowland, has cast our history in a new and more personal light. Glauberg also marks a crucial point of divergence. For example mine is most common in Southern Norway and Sweden, and Northern Denmark and that is where that mistake in genetic copying first took place. Moffat said his colleagues had also discovered DNA originating from Roman-period Illyria, the area occupied by modern Croatia, which may relate … Clan MacKenzies Norman-Irish Roots as Revealed by Commercial Ancestral DNA Testing, OriGENES presentation for FTDNA at WDYTYA LIVE 2013, Scottish Origenes Presentation at Family Tree DNA Conference. Their DNA suggests a central European origin, IFL Science reported. A lifetime ago, Domhnall Ban and his family had been cleared off their croft at Carnais and been forced onto the white-sailed ships bound for Canada and an uncertain new life. The McDonald surname is probably one of the most famous, spawning one of the world’s most notable brands. Experts have constructed Scotland’s first comprehensive genetic map, which reveals that the country is divided into six main clusters of genetically similar individuals: the Borders, the south … The Ferris Surname in Britain and Ireland, Commercial ancestral DNA testing reveals more MacGregors in disguise. From the best online resources, museums, clan websites, family history societies, professional genealogists, it's packed full of useful information to … Since we launched ScotlandsDNA in partnership with The Scotsman in late 2011, almost 8,000 Scots have taken tests. Were the Proto-Gaels the Prehistoric inhabitants of Scotland, who one day decided to invade and turn Ireland Gael? The challenge with modern commercial ancestral mtDNA testing is linking a specific maternal Eve with a precise geographical location. But the Proto-Gaels who chose to flee could not go west or south (areas already controlled by the Romans), nor could they go east as the ‘true’ Germanic tribes were constantly buckling against the eastern border of the expanding Roman Empire. On these they placed their women, who, with disheveled hair and in tears, entreated the soldiers, as they went forward to battle, not to deliver them into slavery to the Romans.’ Caesar of course won the day, and after their defeat by the Romans the inhabitants of the lands between the Rhine and Moselle (those not enslaved) faced a dilemma; assimilate or flee (some would stay, and be absorbed by Rome, and their descendants’ would in time become French or German)! The great warrior Queen of the Britons who fought the Romans was Boudica (‘the Victorious one’) of the Iceni tribe. PART II: The origin of the Gaels has remained a mystery until the advent of modern commercial ancestral DNA testing. You can read the articles in “The Scotsman” and “The Telegraph and the press release by Scotland’s DNA here.” The Picts were Scotland… Results identify the ethnic and geographic origin of the paternal line. This is according to new analysis of the genetic history of two million people worldwide by Ancestry, the leader in family history and consumer genomics, based on data collated from the AncestryDNA home DNA test that examines a persons entire genome at over 700,000 different genetic l… At the height of Celtic Hallstatt and La Tene Cultures the settlement of ‘Glauberg’ which lies close to the area where the River Main joins the Rhine became a Centre of Supra-regional importance. The first ever Plantations Surnames of Ireland map has been completed just in time for the Back to Our Past Event in Belfast in 2019. The rise of the ROMAN EMPIRE would change everything! Commercial ancestral Y-DNA testing has revealed that up to 40% of all Scottish males (and males with paternal Scottish ancestry) will have a Gaelic origin (the Y-DNA test only explores the paternal line). The genetic make-up of the nation has been revealed with Yorkshire proven to be the most British region in the UK, while London is the most ethnically diverse and the East Midlands the most Scandinavian region in the UK. My Heritage DNA: Irish Scottish Welsh; Ancestry DNA: Ireland, Scotland, Wales; Family Tree DNA: British Isles; Some people with extensive Welsh ancestry are very proud of their history, and might wonder why their Welsh DNA doesn’t have a category of its own. But the ancestors of the Gaels (the Proto-Gaels) were part of a Celtic group that headed south colonizing the upper reaches of the Rhine, spreading towards modern Switzerland and even crossing the Alps into what is now Northern Italy. The Antoine Wall (begun in 142 AD) would mark the northern most limit of the Roman Empire and stretched from the Clyde to the Firth of Forth in Scotland (see attached image). Free from Roman persecution the descendants of the Proto-Gael refugees would evolve into the Scots and Irish Gaels that would shape the modern identities of Scotland and Ireland. BUT when and where did these Proto-Gaels (who would go on to form the distinctive Scottish Gael and Irish Gael identity) come from? Almost half of all men with the surname of Macleod carry Dave’s DNA. The exodus of Proto-Gaels (a mix of defeated ‘Celtic’ tribes from between the Moselle and Rhine) had begun; they sailed down the Rhine and poured into Britain. All carry mtDNA and it was striking that most, over 50%, came from the south, from the Ice Age Refuges on either side of the Pyrenees where our ancestors overwintered for millennia in the famous painted caves of South West France and Northern Spain. In the first Case Study I demonstrate how commercial ancestral Y-DNA testing can pinpoint an origin for one's paternal ancestor 1,000 years ago when Gaelic surnames first appeared (click here to download Part I). The last ice age made life in in the north impossible until 11,000 years ago and that means that all Scots are immigrants and we can track the movement of people as they came to settle in Scotland over time. It also reveals that the Gaelic genetic signature dominates Western Scotland with an almost perfect east/west divide as marked by the distribution limit of Gaelic Scottish surnames (see attached image). It is thought that he lived in Africa about 210,000 years ago. Roman Conquest was crushing, involving slaughter, slavery and assimilation for the lucky few. 5 … The way in which haplogroups are located in different parts of the world is a straightforward process. In addition, my own surname ‘Bowes’ is an anglicized form of Gaelic Irish ‘O’Boy’ (Grandson of the Victorious one); a reference perhaps to a notable founding paternal ancestor who was victorious in some battle fought in the Irish Midlands approximately 1,000 years ago? It depends on where their branch is. The Celts that remained in Central Europe would be subsumed into the peoples and nations that evolved over the following millennia, and today males with a ‘Celtic’ Y-DNA signature have contributed in part to the modern Czechs, Southern Germans, Northern Italians and Belgians. Our burgeoning customer database has allowed us to define many new and rarer branches of the Tree that have not yet been reported. I was a guest speaker for Family Tree DNA at the 2013 Who Do You Think You Are LIVE event in London. Pinpointing your Scots-Irish origin from Autosomal DNA test Results! If you have Gaelic paternal origins then some of your most distant genetic relatives revealed upon Y-DNA testing will reveal their ancestors within modern Bohemia, and it is there in the western borderlands of the modern Czech Republic that the journey of the Gaels as recorded by their DNA began (see attached image). Pinpointing Your Scottish Paternal Ancestral Genetic Homeland! Their only option was to follow the Rhine north into Britain and exile among their distant cousins ‘the Britons.’. It also reveals that the Gaelic genetic signature dominates Western Scotland with an almost perfect east/west divide as marked by the … 4x DNA Case Studies! The Ireland and Scotland DNA region on Ancestry is located in the British Isles and covers all of Ireland, including Northern Ireland, and all of Scotland. What will your DNA reveal? A DNA test by iGENEA provides you with evidence of whether you have Celtic roots. The people who were native to Scotland in it's very early days were the Picts. From my mother, I inherited mitochondrial or mt DNA and her marker originated a long way from Hawick, her birthplace. When Donald MacIver braked the trap at the place where his croft house had been and his uncle saw that its walls had been tumbled to the ground. In June 2018 Irish Origenes was commissioned to do a Y-DNA Case Study report for a Mr David McGinnis from Oregon in the USA. Dr. Wilson indicates that this marker is 10 times more prevalent in men with Scottish grandfathers than men with English grandfathers. A DNA study of Britons shows that, genetically, there is not a unique Celtic group of people in the UK. Our scientists can tell where and when in history these markers arose, and often when approximately they arrived in Scotland. And reaching back into the darkness of the past, DNA can trace where they came from. What the DNA shows is that Ireland was swamped within a very short time by a ‘Proto-Gael’ people who poured in from Western Scotland. In summary, the majority of Proto-Gaels would keep one step ahead of the Roman advance and would settle in the inhospitable lands of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, or cross the sea into what the Romans aptly named ‘Hibernia’ (land of winter); both of which lay beyond the reach of permanent Roman settlement. The People of the British Isles study at the University of Oxford produced a map of the fine-scale genetic structure of Britain. Shop now! In PCA analysis, N Scotland forms a genetic continuum located in between Scotland and the Northern Isles (SI Appendix, Fig. September 3, 2019. For more information, email or call 0345 4502483. Beyond the clan connections, the origins of other Scottish surnames are varied, but equally fascinating. Photograph: Evening Standard/Getty Images Sometimes a quite remarkable Y-DNA Case Study comes along that I will try my best to get published in a Genealogical magazine. But Domhnall Ban’s tears may not have prickled so readily had he been alive now. We have completed the first stage of an epic piece of research, nothing less than the beginnings of a family tree of all men on Earth and it has been much enhanced by the findings of ScotlandsDNA. It arose in the Indus Valley in Pakistan about 30,000 years ago. And his marker is very rare across Britain. Viking raider meets the civilisation of Mohenjo-Daro! To obtain a PDF copy of the Great Tree, please email: At some point the ‘Keltoi’ people of Bohemia began crossing the Erzegebirge Mountains into modern Southern Germany, where they followed the River Main towards the Rhine. 5 per cent of all men on the Isle of Lewis have this marker. But he was consoled a little when he discovered that all those who have blue eyes are descended from a single individual who lived around the shores of the Baltic about 10,000 years ago. Part II demonstrates how one’s more distant genetic matches allow one to reconstruct one’s ancient paternal ancestral journey (click here to download Part II). The shock of a Roman landing in Britain must have been immense, it propelled the Proto-Gaels north, they would not stop until they settled permanently beyond the Clyde Estuary and the Firth of Forth in Northern Scotland (although the DNA does suggest a small group that broke off and sought refuge in Devon and Cornwall in the far Southwest of England). It has made a people’s story of Scotland possible for the first time as science, archaeology and history combined to fashion a new narrative. In fact the term ‘Scotti’ appears to have been a term used by the later Anglo-Saxons to describe someone who spoke Gaelic. The DNA does not lie and upon commercial ancestral DNA testing the people who appear as a genetic match to you share a common ancestor with you, it is merely a matter of when that shared ancestor... A Sample DNA Case Study which shows how the NEW Scottish Origenes Surnames, Clans, Castles and DNA maps can be used together with a simple painless commercial ancestral DNA test to rediscover your... DETAILING the origin of approximately 4,000 different Scottish surnames, the Medieval territories of 400 of the most prominent Scottish Clans and Families, and the precise location of 1000 Scottish... Surname distribution mapping reveals that the Graham surname is associated with Scotland and bordering English Counties. The Origin of the Irish and Scottish Gaels as revealed by their DNA. It originated in Norway but it has a concentration in the Western Isles and one clan in particular. S2A), and presents higher Northern Isles ancestry components in ADMIXTURE analysis (SI Appendix, Fig. At the same time, DNA testing of remains of ancient Irish people suggests that some of the earliest human arrivals on the island originally came from mu… Using new technology, scientists were able to … What we might call The Great Tree of Mankind is like a gigantic family tree and it works in the same way. This was a warlike Celtic tribe descended from this area's indigenous Iron Age inhabitants.      Copyright © 2014 All Rights Reserved.Web design by Compass Digital. As the trap breasted the rise above Uig Bay and the heartbreakingly beautiful horizon of the ocean opened before them, it may be that the old man’s stone face softened at the memory of life in this epic, dramatic landscape. I mean it is all a matter of the resolution of the DNA tests and sample size, but you can find enough difference to seperate the populations fairly reliably, at least in the Republic of Ireland from Scotland. The hundreds of Irish, Scottish, English and Welsh DNA studies that I have performed over the years have revealed that the Celts would use the Rhine to spread throughout Central Europe. Contact Scottish Origenes to find out about a suitable painless commercial DNA test for you (CLICK HERE), or for a FREE CONSULTATION on your DNA test results. On a huge layout, we have shown how 573 Y chromosome sub-types descend from Adam and relate to each other, and work is ongoing with new findings to double that number in the autumn of 2015. The branches of the Tree immediately below Adam divide only very slowly over a long period of time. An article in The Scotsman speaking with Edinburgh University’s Professor Jim Wilson, quotes him saying the links … The Autosomal DNA test is by far the most popular commercial ancestral DNA test worldwide (tests like’s, 23andMe, MyHeritage and FTDNA's Family Finder). ‘There is nothing here as it was’, he wept, ‘ach an ataireachd na mara’, ‘except for the surge of the sea’. Scotland played an important role in Viking raiding, trading, and colonization; and the Vikings played an important role in the history and national identity of Scotland. Based on your specific genetic characteristics, we can identify your origins and state from which line the Celtic descent is (paternal, maternal or both lines). Surnames evolve over both time and distance, and change usually at the whim of an administrator who simply records an unfamiliar surname as he hears it. Above is a map showing the location of the R-L21 Haplogroup. One of the most warming aspects of the ScotlandsDNA project has been the joy of using ancestral DNA to build genetic bridges across the Atlantic. The DNA of Scottish people still contains signs of the country’s ancient kingdoms, with many apparently living in the same areas as their ancestors did more than a millennium ago, a study shows. A major genetic study has revealed different genetic clusters across the UK, but overall white Britons share 30% of their DNA with modern Germans. It originated in Norway but it has a concentration in the Western Isles and one clan in particular. My Y chromosome marker from my Dad is much younger and it originated in Scandinavia about 2,000 years ago. Almost half of all men with the surname of Macleod carry Dave’s DNA. DNA testing has revealed that the Scottish and Irish Gaels share common origin, probably not a surprise given the shared language (Gaelic), common surnames (typically denoted by Mac’ or Mc’), common sports (Irish Hurling, Scottish Shinty) and national drink ‘Irish Whiskey’ or ‘Scotch Whisky.’ However, the concept of the Scots being descended from a ‘tribe’ from Ireland who invaded Scotland does not hold true (if that were the case then Scots Gaels would have earlier detectable links with Ireland, they simply don’t, the reverse is true with Gaelic Irish males having earlier detectable links with Scotland). His last by-name is an indication of demeanour, probably a Gaelicisation of the English word ‘cross’ and Domnhall Ban also had a reputation as a boxer. Where did they come from? The name translates to 'Painted People - a reference to their custom of painting/tattooing their bodies. This is because he and his descendants were hunter-gatherers who probably lived in family bands and patrolled their ranges to find a wild harvest of roots, fruits, fungi and animals they could trap or bring down. The Gaelic connection can be seen in names such as Craig (from the Gaelic creag, which means crag or rocks) and Cameron (from cam and sròn (camshròin: crooked nose). A Case Study utilizing the NEW Scottish Maps to Pinpoint an Ancestral Origin. The Origin of the Scottish Gaels as revealed by their DNA! Asal and Esel mean Donkey in modern Gaelic and German respectively), and of course historical accounts of victorious Roman Generals. A change in ‘cultural identity’ can be quite rapid (think modern Americans who are a mix of almost every nation on the planet)... Ireland is one of Scotland's closest neighbours, and their shared heritage runs deep; it is reflected in surnames (Mac or Mc? Researching Celtic origins. He had come home! Si has baby blues and they twinkled at that nugget of knowledge. With every human exodus there are push and pull factors, and historically we know that that this area was conquered by the Romans in 58BC (Battle of the Vosges) who fortunately also recorded the tribes they found there including the ‘Nemetes’ and ‘Tribocci’ whose territory hugged the western bank of the Rhine (see attached image). Tests search for markers, tiny mistakes in copying the 6 billion letters of DNA passed on to us from our parents. Anybody who has taken a simple painless commercial ancestral Y-DNA test (which only explores your paternal ancestry) will potentially have matched many people with lots of different surnames, and... Don Anderson, who is an adoptee from Oregon, has released a book which is a must read for all adoptees wishing to uncover the identities of their birth parents. Over 700 Viking items to choose from! Perhaps he has some Hebridean or MacLeod ancestors? The Origin of the Scottish Gaels as revealed by their DNA! When their test results (done by the ScotlandsDNA team) were revealed, it turned out that it was Dave Myers from Barrow-in-Furness who was descended from Vikings. Beside him sat an old man, his uncle. R1b-M269, which originated in western Europe, is an important Y-DNA haplogroup found among Scottish men who participate in Family Tree DNA's "Scottish Y-DNA Project". The Scotsman Sessions #148: Sita Pieraccini, JK Rowling on Twitter: why the Harry Potter author has been accused of transphobia on social media platforms. DNA uncovers a 400 year old family secret! What the Great Tree of Mankind shows, for the first time, is how distantly or how closely related large groups of men are. Where is the Ireland and Scotland DNA region on Ancestry? Populations grew slowly. Men pass on the Y chromosome to their sons and it is the single largest piece of DNA inherited as a block and very informative about ancestry, especially deep ancestry back into the mists of prehistory. The Latin word Scoti originally referred to the Gaels, but came to describe all inhabitants of Scotland. And finally, an amusing postscript that show the unpredictable nature of ancestral DNA testing. The DNA studies performed for males with Gaelic Irish or Scots origin reveal that they invariably share a common paternal ancestor that lived between 2,000 and 2,600 years ago within the area located between the Rivers Moselle and Rhine, which forms much of the modern borderlands of France and Germany. ©JPIMedia Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved. But in the last episode the truth turned out to be very surprising. Where men carrying particular markers are most common and where they mutated most is the place where that marker arose. mtFullSequence - Both men and women may take this test. Research done into the DNA of the Irish has shown that our old understanding of where the population of Ireland originated may have been misguided. This suggests part of N Scotland’s differentiation is due to shared ancestry with the Northern Isles. And as new genetic variants, or markers, occur with successive generations, scientists and historians can trace them and their movement out of Africa and across the face of the Earth. These will include many newly discovered sub-types in Scotland. The new study published by researchers from the University of Edinburgh’s Usher Institute and MRC Human Genetics unit presents the first comprehensive genetic map of Scottish people’s DNA showing that modern folk have genetic links with ‘ancient kingdoms’, by living in the same areas as their 1000 year old progenitors. Putting a Timeframe to your Y-DNA matches! Those that spread north would give rise to the ‘Celtic’ tribes that would come to dominate the modern area of Belgium and the Netherlands, before making the short crossing into Britain and giving rise to the Britons (including the Picts of Northeast Scotland and the Ancient Britons of Strathclyde click here). The modern Irish population share many genetic similarities with Scottish and Welsh populations, and to a lesser extent the English. Since Scotland appeared in only one of the names, some people wondered what had happened to their Scottish ancestry. In modern usage, "Scottish people" or "Scots" refers to anyone whose linguistic, cultural, family ancestral or genetic origins are from Scotland. During the early millennia, a tiny number of hunter gatherers lived around the coasts of Scotland, perhaps no more than a thousand. Scottish surnames. Â. I have added a 2 part DNA study commissioned by Margaret Nolan (contact: for a gentleman named Burns (the Scottish form of the Irish ‘O’Byrne’ surname) which has helped me to reconstruct the story of the Gaels. By the time they arrived in Britain these exiled Proto-Gaels were probably quite distinct from their distant Briton cousins, with the Britons speaking what would eventually become the ‘Welsh’ language, and the Proto-Gaels speaking what would eventually evolve into Irish and Scottish Gaelic.

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