of exams based off other students' experiences. Logicians is pretty easy. Work in the course takes the form of readings and exercises, weekly programming assignments, and a term-long project. The language of Functional Logic is almost the same as for Relational Logic. There is some optional material in the lessons (e.g. Michael Genesereth is a professor in the Computer Science Department at Stanford University. CS 157 is a rigorous introduction to Logic from a computational perspective. It has limitations, but it also has many applications. A cautionary note. Topics include the syntax and semantics of Propositional Logic, Relational Logic, and Functional Logic, validity, contingency, unsatisfiability, logical equivalence, entailment, consistency, direct deduction (Hilbert), natural deduction (Fitch), mathematical induction, resolution, compactness, soundness, completeness. They make the language more expressive, but they also destory some of the nice logical and computational properties possessed by Propositional Logic and Relational Logic. ... CS 157 is a rigorous introduction to Logic from a computational perspective. Engaging in discussion on the Piazza forum is a good way to deal with these subtleties. Reasoning with facts and logical sentences encoded in this way is quite simple. For some, the material may be a bit more difficult. End of the quarter means there is a good chance you would like to know how well you did. As mentioned in class, the exam will cover the material in Lessons 7, 8, and 9; and there will be no questions of Resolution. We start with syntax and semantics. New puzzles this week - Nations (solve problems in World politics) and Nim (impress your friends by always beating them). 0 To this end, we look at a new type of reasoning, called induction. Current projects include logical spreadsheets, data, and service integration on the World Wide Web, and computational law. All of the materials for the course are accessible via "Lessons" tab at the top of this page. Jeannette Bohg What is easy in one system is often difficult in another and vice versa. There are two components to this approach: (1) the representation of facts and regulations as sentences in formal logic and (2) the use of mechanical reasoning techniques to derive consequences of the facts and laws so represented. Cards is slightly challenging, but it has an especially elegant solution. We will dive into logic a little later. Genesereth is best known for his work on computational logic and applications of that work in enterprise management and electronic commerce. Fitch). Computational logic: structure sharing and proof of program properties. in SearchWorks catalog It is pedagogically valuable in that it provides us with a simple setting in which to look at the main concepts of Logic - syntax and semantics, validity and contingency and unsatisfiability, logical equivalence and entailment and consistency, and proofs. Logic is used to define the steps and tasks. CS 157 is a rigorous introduction to Logic from a computational perspective. The most popular approach to building Computational Law systems today is based on Computational Logic. There is a link to a practice exam; and, at the appropriate time, there will be links to the actual exams. (CS), Cs 157 Those of you who made it to the end should feel pretty good - you have seen a lot of material, covered more rapidly and at a deeper level than in most introductory courses in Logic. 1. Importantly, there is a commitment to a level of rigor in specifying laws that is sufficient to support entirely mechanical processing. Bio. From Lesson 1, you should be familiar with the main topics of the course - logical languages, logical entailment and logical reasoning, formalization, and automation. Our experience has shown that it is useful for students to work together to understand the material of the course and to do exercises. The mission of the undergraduate program in Linguistics is to provide students with basic knowledge in the principal areas of linguistics (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, historical linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, and computational linguistics) and the skills to do more advanced work in these subfields. They are not directly tied to the course material, but there is a strong relationship and solving them does require the techniques discussed in the course. Series: Association of Computing Machinery. Humans are very capable of carrying out steps and performing tasks. Computational law is a branch of legal informatics concerned with the mechanization of legal reasoning (whether done by humans or by computers). Genesereth is most known for his work on Computational Logic and applications of that work in Enterprise Management, Computational Law, … Learn the essential elements of computing theory including logic, proof techniques, combinatorics, algorithm analysis, discrete data models (sets, relations, trees), and finite automata Explore various programming paradigms as well as principles of building object-oriented software We are still working on the course. actual document. That said, you are expected to submit your own work in this course; and you are responsible for understanding and being able to explain any solutions you submit. The best part of GradeBuddy is having the ability to understand coursework and study for the Logicians cartoon, Sorority Life, Train Tracks, Minefinder, Minefield, and Mineplanner), and we highly recommend that you take a look. Previewing page 1 The format will be the same as that of the previous exams. Margaret Jacks Hall Building 460 Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-2150. logical analysis of meaning in natural languages and computational processing thereof Chris Potts: Associate Professor, Linguistics semantics, pragmatics, and computational methods for linguistic research Vaughan Pratt: Professor (Emeritus), Computer Science foundations of concurrency, linear logic, Chu spaces, logics of geometry Who is wearing which? We began this course by making public all of the notes and interactive exercises for Stanford's course on logic. Once the exam is over, you might want to try your hand at one final puzzle. Proving things, even very simple things, can be difficult. These are easy to use and have the virtue that they can do proof discovery. The upshot is that it is difficult to produce proofs of even the simplest of results, and the proofs are often more verbose than they need to be. By the time you are done this week, you should be comfortable doing Hilbert proofs; and you should be ready to opine about its strengths and weaknesses. For example, it would be nice to axiomatize arithmetic over the integers or to talk about sequences of objects of varying lengths. The Computational Logic sentence shown below expresses this fact using the vocabulary used above. In his research, he uses computational methods to explore how emotion is expressed in language and how linguistic production and interpretation are influenced by the context of utterance. Gill Bejerano. These ideas are all fairly simple in the context of Propositional Logic; they are more subtle in the context Relational Logic and Herbrand Logic. Your overall grade for the course will be based 40% on your performance on the first midterm, 30% on your second midterm, and 30% on this final midterm. Topics include the syntax and semantics of Propositional Logic, Relational Logic… Useful in thinking and communicating and useful in interacting with logic-enabled Computer Systems. You can access the Exams page by clicking on the Exams link in the command bar above. Natural language inference Bill MacCartney Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University, June 2009 Peer-reviewed papers. Concentrate on the exam. Red hats and black hats. This year, the course will be entirely online. The Exams page on this site provides details about the exam format and the procedures for taking the exams. There is only so much one can teach in the form of notes and hypercards and exercises and extras and puzzles. Exactly so. In fact, you should be more than familiar with this material - ideally, you should be saying to yourself (and others) that, when all is said and done, this stuff is pretty easy. This week, we continue our look at proofs for Functional Logic. The puzzles are not a required part of the course, but in the past students have found them worthwhile and enjoyable. 120 views, Lecture 8 - Properties of Relational Logic, Incorporating Specialized Algorithms into General Inference Procedures, Truth Table Method and Propositional Proofs, Truth Table Method and Propositional Proofs, CS157 Computational Logic 2010 11 Assignment 3 Due Thursday November 4 at 11 59 pm October 28 2010 Please see the course website for homework submission policy collaboration policy and regrade policy You may use Logica with acknowledgement You may work in groups of up to three Acknowledge all aid and collaboration Please abide by the Honor Code Submission Instructions Mail your assignment to cs157assignments1011 gmail com No hard copies will be accepted File Name Instructions Please name your files as first name lastname assignment file format If you are John Doe submitting Assginment 3 you should name your file John Doe 3 1 Clausal Form 15 points Convert the following sentence to clausal form You MUST show your all of your work to receive full credit w x y p x y r y z q w z 2 Unification II 20 points Determine whether each of the following pairs of expressions is unifiable If yes give a most general unifier No explanation is necessary a p x b f y and p a y f z b p f x b g y f z a and p y g f g w w f w z c p f g a x f h z z h y g w and p y g z f v h f w x 1 3 Unification II 10 points a Assuming that x y z v and w are variables give a most general unifier for the expressions p t x y r z z and p t t w z v w b Is it possible for two expressions to have more than one most general unifier If so give a simple example If not give a brief explanation 4 Unification III 15 points Suppose that and are unifiers for expressions in relational logic Which of the following are true Briefly explain your answer to get full credit In these questions denotes the variable substitution resulting from the composition of and As usual you may assume that all unifiers are pure i e the variables being replaced do not occur within any of the replacements a If is a most general unifier then there is a substitution such that b If is a unifier but not a most general unifier then there is a variable substitution such that is a most general unifier c If and are most general unifiers then is a most. However, most do not. Faculty & Research Scientists. We will take a peek at extensions to what we have seen. 1 The Basic Computational Approach to Higher-Order Modal Logic The application of computational methods to philosophical problems was initially limited to rst-order theorem provers. In case you need one, there is a link to a timer in the text on the exam page. Genesereth is professor in the Computer Science Department at Stanford University and a professor by courtesy in the Stanford Law School. We couldn't create a GradeBuddy account using Facebook because there is no email address associated with your Facebook account. That said, we will likely give extra credit to those who, in addition to regular coursework, have solved at least some of the weekly puzzles and those who have asked and/or answered questions on Piazza. Last week of the course. He has taught logic for 30 years at Stanford and offers an annual massive open online course, or MOOC, on logic. In fact, as we saw this past week, it is possible to show that there is no such sound and complete proof procedure for Functional Logic. The Stanford Logic Group is a multidisciplinary research group operating within the Stanford Computer Science Department. Do the exercises. Convergence of technological trends, growth of the Internet, advent of semantic web technology, and progress in computational logic make computational law prospects better. This week, we also begin our discussion of proofs - rules of inference, direct proofs, and the Hilbert proof system. Copyright © 2020 GradeBuddy All Rights Reserved. Meanwhile, in case you need something to do, there are two new puzzles - a class-related puzzle, called Zoom, and our final puzzle, appropriately entitled Enlightenment. Some of the puzzles (like this one) are extremely easy; others are more difficult. Often, this means starting at the end and thinking about how to derive the desired conclusion and then figuring out how to prove the intermediate results you need to prove the final result. The exam will cover the material in Lessons 11, 12, and 13. In particular, Fitelson and Zalta1 both (a) used Prover9 to nd a proof of the theorems about We have reached the end of our treatment of Propositional Logic, and the first midterm is out of the way. We began this course by making public all of the notes and interactive exercises for Stanford's course on logic. By this point, you should have mastered the material in Lessons 1 and 2. Now that the first midterm is out of the way, there are also some new puzzles for you to consider. This week, we look at two proof systems for Relational Logic - a natural deduction system and a refutation system. Join to view Computational Logic and access 3M+ class-specific study document. An extended model of natural logic Bill MacCartney and Christopher D. Manning The Eighth International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS … The trick is to expand our language to include not just object constants but also complex terms that can be built from object constants in infinitely many ways. The first part of the course is now done. There are links to textbook chapters, lecture slides, interactive exercises, activities, puzzles, and sundry other items. important for the midterm. Michael Genesereth is a professor in the Computer Science Department at Stanford University and a professor by courtesy in the Stanford Law School. You can check your detailed scores for the course by clicking on the Profile link on any of the Exam-related pages. It shows how to encode information in the form of logical sentences; it shows how to reason with information in this form; and it provides an overview of logic technology and its applications - in mathematics, science, engineering, business, law, and so forth. Counterfeit is quite easy; Pills is more difficult. He is best known for his work on computational logic and its applications in enterprise computing, computational law, and general game playing. Finally, you might want to check out the puzzles. He has taught logic for 30 years at Stanford and offers an annual massive open online course, or MOOC, on logic … There are thirteen of these in all, one per lesson. In fact, it *is* easy. Mechanical devices can As preparation for the in-class exams, we highly recommend that you review the online exercises, as the problems on the quizzes will closely resemble these exercises. Experience has shown that students benefit from the help of others and benefit from helping others. Logic is used to define the steps and tasks. The course is divided into three main sections - Propositional Logic, Relational Logic, Herbrand Logic (Logic with function symbols). - Logic and Automated Reasoning, This document and 3 million+ documents and flashcards, High quality study guides, lecture notes, practice exams, Course Packets handpicked by editors offering a comprehensive review of your On Thursday of this week, we will have our final regular class session. Often, we want to describe worlds with infinitely many objects. Genesereth is best known for his work on computational logic and applications of that work in enterprise management and electronic commerce. The lesson talks about the main ideas of Logic and how they relate to each other, and it provides a framework for organizing the rest of the material in the course. We start this week with a discussion of the material in Lesson 3. Read the notes. Over the years, we have improved these materials with the help of students like you. You should try to get through the sections and exercises of Lessons 7 and 8 this week. By constructing terms in this way, we can get infinitely many names for objects; and, because our vocabulary is still finite, we can finitely axiomatize some things in a way that would not be possible with infinitely many object constants. The good news is that there are more useful proof systems, and this week we look at two such systems - Fitch and Resolution. Relational Logic is more complex than Propositional Logic, but it is also more useful. Here we are again - another week of reckoning - our second midterm exam. In dealing with Functional Logic, we proceed through the same stages as in Propositional Logic and Relational Logic. If you have specific suggestions on how to improve the course, please send me suggestions (email: genesereth@stanford.edu). There are also two new puzzles for you to consider. As we have seen, there is a sound and complete proof procedure for Relational Logic (i.e. Title. III. A Computational Logic (ACM monographs series) Includes bibliographic references and index. Think logically and save as many of your fellow prisoners as possible. Access the best Study Guides Lecture Notes and Practice Exams, Computer Science You should get comfortable with the language and you should get comfortable evaluating sentences and finding truth assignments that satisfy those sentences. And perhaps a belief that this search process can be automated (which by and large is correct). This lesson deals with the logical properties of sentences, e.g. See the table below for a schedule of lessons, quizzes, and reviews. Okay. However, we can now use some additional rules to deal with functional terms. Topics: current state of computational law, prospects and problems, philosophical and legal implications. Propositional Logic is simple and elegant. The only difference is the addition of functional terms. Once again, we advise you to join the Zoom meeting on Tuesday to see if there are any last minute announcements. paper by Michael Genesereth of Stanford University's Center for Legal Informatics, Computational Law: The Cop in the Backseat1. This week's exercises are easy. They are there mostly for you to get experience with the technology so that you will be ready to deal with the exercises and quizzes to come. In addition, we will have semiweekly lectures and discussion sessions via Zoom using the link above. This is an all new version of the course and, as such, would benefit from face-to-face format. He received his Sc.B. Link an email address with your Facebook below or create a new account. If you have any problems, let us know immediately. There is no best proof system for all problems. 1.1 The Role of Logic in Artificial Intelligence. Finally, I want to thank those of you who participated in the Piazza newsgroup. This is it - the week of reckoning - our first midterm exam. Moreover, we had planned a number of in-class activities that we do not believe will work adequately in an online setting. If X manages Y and X is an officemate of Y, then that is illegal. CS 157 (Stanford) Lecture 07- Herbrand Method. Current projects include logical spreadsheets, data, and service integration on the World Wide Web, and computational law. Another is a growing sense of confidence that everything that is logically entailed by one's premises *can* be proved (albeit with some difficulty). That said, you should not shortchange the material. If you do not yet have a passcode, press the Sign Up button on the Sign In page; enter your Stanford email address on the resulting form; and check your email for your passcode. Reasoning with information in this form. Note that there are some useful tools available under the Tools tab, notably Babbage (for generating simple truth tables) and Boole (for generating multicolumn truth tables); and there is a proof editor for the Hilbert system, which offers features not found in the exercises. NB: A reminder that the first midterm exam is coming up next week. Attend the discussion sessions or use Piazza to talk about things you find confusing. Basic research interests include knowledge representation, automated reasoning, and rational action. And, in case you would like to learn more about logic, we will suggest some follow-on courses you might want to consider. CS 157 (Stanford) Popular Course Packets . Last review. This course introduces basic logic programming theory, current technology, and examples of common applications, notably deductive databases, logical spreadsheets, enterprise management, computational law, and game playing. exams. Encoding information in the form of logical sentences. Over the years, we have improved these materials with the help of students like you. None of these proof systems makes the creation of proofs easy, but experience suggests that Fitch and Resolution make things easier than with Hilbert. Lecture 04 - Computational Logic. Prerequisite: basic concepts of programming. validity and satisfiability. This interdisciplinary undergraduate degree program in MCS is sponsored by Stanford's departments of Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science, and Management Science & Engineering, providing students with a core of mathematics basic to all the mathematical sciences and an introduction to concepts and techniques of computation, optimal decision making, probabilistic modeling, and statistical inference. One way to get infinitely many terms is to allow our vocabulary to have infinitely many object constants. And, even if you think you understand everything, you might consider using Piazza to help others and thus consolidate your understanding of the issues. One thing you should take away from these proof exercises is that finding proofs is a process of search in a space of possibilities. Apologies in advance if this happens to you. Resolution is a powerful approach to relational reasoning and is widely used in automated reasoning systems. Theoretical computer … Recent Posts. Use techniques discussed in the course to find the smallest "rotor". And it introduces and distinguishes the central notions of logical equivalence and logical entailment and logical consistency. 0 I. Moore, J Strother, Date joint author. The first lesson is just an overview, and it is a very easy read. However, it is not particularly practical. This year's offering of CS 204 (Computational Law) has been cancelled. Note that, due to the pandemic and our shortened quarter, we will be skipping the material on relational resolution (Lesson / Chapter 10). We then discuss evaluation and satisfaction. There are some subtleties in Logic that you can miss and that can lead to confusion. We are on our way! The course materials will remain accessible online in perpetuity. As so often happens, increases in expressiveness leads to decreases in completeness and computability. And, once you have taken each exam, there will be links to review your scores. The Hilbert proof system is conceptually quite simple. For those of you who have done the others, these two should be easy. Stanford Libraries' official online search tool for books, media, journals, databases, government documents and more. There is more difficult material to come. From a practical perspective, Computational Law is important as the basis for computer systems capable of performing useful legal calculations, such as compliance checking, legal planning, and regulatory analysis. Computational philosophy is perhaps most easily introduced by focusingon applications of agent-based modeling to questions in socialepistemology, social and political philosophy, philosophy of science,and philosophy of language. Starting this week, we explore an alternative to Relational Logic, called Functional Logic, in which we can name infinitely many objects with a finite vocabulary. Members of the Group include faculty, staff, and students from Stanford along with visiting professionals from companies and other universities. Engreitz Lab overview: The human genome encodes Obviously, there is a lot more to be done. However, this is not required; and, as previously described, you may take the exam any time during the 24 hour period beginning noonish on Tuesday. Collaboration with your fellow students is encouraged. The format will be the same as that of the first midterm. Overview of logic technology and its applications - in mathematics, science, engineering, business, law, and so forth. Including material that is likely to be less familiar; but, hopefully, after we have gone through it all, you will think that that is easy too! in Physics from M.I.T. It is a good idea to ensure you understand the nuances in this simple setting before we get to more complicated logics later in the course. The first (Safecracking) is a bit tricky but doable with a bit of careful thought.
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