(See NIH Grants Policy Statement: 1 Glossary 1.2 Definition of Terms Subaward) Police Terminology Understanding the terms used by officers, other operators, and citizens is an important part of properly assessing and dispatching calls for service. Use of ten-codes is intended for the clear, quick, and concise communication between law enforcement officers. ADT. Policy is the name sometimes given to your contract of insurance. A and D - Apprehension and Detention Order, or Arrest and Detention. 5 - 0: Slang for police officers and/or a warning that police are approaching.Derived from the television show Hawaii 5-0. ABILITY TO PAY: The principle of taxation that holds that the tax burden should be distributed according to a person's wealth. Police and FBI Acronyms, Codes and Terminology Used In the Michael Connelly novels. The second type of fiscal policy is contractionary fiscal policy, which is rarely used. Police definition, an organized civil force for maintaining order, preventing and detecting crime, and enforcing the laws. Sexual Abuse: An illegal sex act, especially one performed against a minor by an adult. Test. IC codes (identity code) or 6+1 codes are codes used by the British police in radio communications and crime recording systems to describe the apparent ethnicity of a suspect or victim. Crime and Punishment - English for Police This page from our English for Police section covers language police need when talking about crimes and punishments in an English-speaking context. Police Aircraft 5 helicopters and one plane. Assault with a Deadly Weapon. Wayne State University Press. Some states require voters to provide a valid excuse to vote absentee while others allow any eligible voter to cast an absentee ballot. The first letter denotes apparent race/ethnicity; the most commonly used letters are: A—Asian, B—Black, H—Hispanic, O—Other, W—White. FAIR Plan - Fair Access to Insurance Requirements - state pools designed to provide insurance to property owners who are unable to obtain property insurance through conventional means. EXECUTIVE PROTECTION, PRIVATE INVESTIGATION, WORKING AFTER THE JOB Originating in the late 1970s, the codes are based on a police officer's perceived view of an individual's ethnicity based on a visual assessment, as opposed to that individual's self-definition. Find the meaning of hundreds of terms and acronyms used by us, including teams, operations, crimes and UK legislation. Refers to the Austin … Terms are listed in alphabetical order and can be better accessed by choosing a letter here: ... statement - A description that a witness gives to the police and that the police write down. … All states allow for some form of absentee balloting. This list of acronyms and glossary terms was compiled by the Departmental Library from Departmental websites, annual reports and lists prepared by various Divisions within the Department. The person a police officer works closest beside every day is his or her. Criminal Law Dictionary CRIMINAL LAW GLOSSARY Abuse: General term for physical or mental mistreatment. Email Address * The Official Web Site of the Best Selling Author Michael Connelly. "Berries and Cherries" refers to the lights on a patrol car. Get a Print Out of this Word List www.myvocabulary.com offers more than 395 word lists. A - Active. The term is usually applied to contact not amounting to rape. Terms are listed in alphabetical order and can be better accessed by choosing a letter here: ... statement - A description that a witness gives to the police and that the police write down. ", "Sheng Kamusi. The Police Codes known as the Police 10 Codes or Police Scanner Codes are listed below. I cant really gove you an answer,but what I can give you is a way to a solution, that is you have to find the anglde that you relate to or peaks your interest. The Legal Terms Glossary defines over 100 of the most common legal terms in easy-to-understand language. The numeric code 187 from the California Penal Code section dealing with murder has been featured in numerous songs, including the gangsta rap song Deep Cover by Dr. Dre and Big Pun and the alternative hip hop-ska punk song April 29, 1992 (Miami) by Sublime. Looking for online definition of POLICE or what POLICE stands for? Law enforcement jargon is heavily used in police procedurals and similar shows. Central station alarm company that serves both residential and business customers with security systems. The only dictionary available that focuses on UK law enforcement terms, A Dictionary of Law Enforcement contains over 3,400 entries covering law, accountancy, insurance, shipping, commerce and trade, pathology, forensic medicine, criminology, and psychology. Police Jargon Words, Slang, Lingo, Codes. aggravated assault… Making the web more beautiful, fast, and open through great typography To see Police, Law Enforcement, Fire Safety, Community and Crime word lists , please go to the home page for interactive worksheets, word games, word puzzles and themed content. This list should be used only as a guide in interpreting criminal record information. Child Abuse: An intentional or neglectful physical or emotional injury imposed on a child, including sexual molestation.. Often used by Turkish and Middle Eastern immigrants, particularly to describe police who will beat or assault them when no witnesses are present. U.S. Police Abbreviations and Acronyms. Write. The General Secretariat employs around 1,000 staff members from 100 different countries. police jury) or municipality Para 1.39 at. 1989. Following are some of the most commonly used acronyms and terms (we’re still building this part of our list, so if you know of any others, please leave a comment below): ADW = Assault with a Deadly Weapon; AKA = Also Known As Police Alphabet A - Adam B - Boy C - Charles D - David E - Edward F - Frank G - George H - Henry I - Ida J - John K - King L - Lincoln M - Mary N - Nora O - Ocean P - Paul Q - Queen R - Robert S - Sam T - Tom U - Union V - Victor W - William X - X-ray Y - Young Z - Zebra Ordinance Law passed by a parish governing body (e.g. Where a term has a broader general meaning, the definition given refers to its use in the DoH context. In policy debate, the affirmative (AFF) is the team which affirms the resolution.The (NEG) negative side refutes the affirmation . Making products for everyone means protecting everyone who uses them. The letters PI are occasionally used to denote Pacific Islander resulting in a four letter abbreviation [1][permanent dead link]. Volume 4. Police officers and dispatchers will use the term MO to describe a suspected criminals description. 5. If you see a crime being committed, you should call the police. 01st October 2020) Terms General election policy terms. : To join our Newsletter mailing list, just add your e-mail address here, or to unsubscribe or change your e-mail address, just click here. Font size: ABFC: American Board of Forensic Counselors: Rate it: ABFT: American Board of Forensic Toxicology: Rate it: ABH: Actual Bodily Harm: Rate it: ABHAN: Assault and Battery of a High and Aggravated Nature: Page 424. There are jargon words associated with every profession, but police jargon is one of the most interesting types of jargon. Police Terminology. Here is a straight forward Police Officer’s Code of Ethics. Commonly Used Police Abbreviations and Police Terminology ADW -- Assault with a Deadly Weapon ADT -- American District Telegraph company. The NENA Master Glossary is a guide for readers of NENA publications and a tool for members of the NENA committees that prepare them. It refers to the level of cover that you have agreed with your insurer, outlines the terms, and details any particular conditions that you need to be made aware of, or that you need to make your insurer aware of. Ayna A Turkish phrase derived from aynasız, referring to 'those without a mirror', a pejorative description of police lacking honor and having too much shame to look at themselves in the mirror. What can you expect from PoliceCodes.org in the Future. Some jurisdictions may interpret some of the terms contained herein differently. Some shows, like "Adam-12" and CSI will use the criminal code, for where the show is based, to describe a crime. Public Administration Glossary of Terms The following list of selected terms and concepts are commonly used in public administration and finance1. ", "OZ Magazine (London) - front covers - issues 33-36", "Man who brandished knife at cops is jailed - Connacht Tribune", "Pic: Jamie Heaslip and the Six Nations trophy were paid a visit by An Garda Síochána - SportsJOE.ie", "Nicknames for the Gardaí - How did they come about? A crime is a serious offence such as murder or robbery. STUDY. These terms are rarely used by the police themselves and instead are used by criminals, prisoners, or by the general public. Here are a few simple terms worth remembering and maybe inserting into a tale or two. This would be understood by people from that state or others in the know, but would be nonsense for others. Austin Aggravation British English. ♦ In addition to overall coinsurance rates, rates may also differ for different types of services. Initialisms describing situations or locations, Miscellaneous abbreviations and descriptive terms, Beggs and Davies.