Did you know? It's exactly what it sounds like - it is a plane (a flat surface) that is inclined, or slanted, at an acute angle. Boats may be conveyed afloat, in caissons, or may be carried in cradles or slings.. An inclined plane is quicker and wastes less water than a flight of canal locks, but is more costly to install and operate.A development of the idea is the water slope. What an inclined plane is and its mechanical advantage, how it changes force to make work easier. The ancient Egyptians used inclined planes made of earth to ease the transport of their giant stone blocks to the top of the pyramids. Each time, they used a spring scale to measure the force needed to pull the mass up the inclined plane. An inclined plane makes work require more effort. An inclined plane is a slanted surface used to raise objects, e.g. An inclined plane increases the amount of work one needs to do. An inclined plane is a simple machine.It allows one to use less force to move an object.. An inclined plane makes work require less effort. An inclined plane can be used as a ramp to lift heavy loads gradually and allowing the use of a smaller force over a longer period to move that load. Q. a ramp. An inclined plane allows transformation of certain work to a form that confers some advantage. Students pulled the same mass up an inclined plane that was 20 cm, 30 cm, and 40 cm long. The advantage of using an inclined plane has been known and used for thousands of years. An inclined plane is a type of cable railway used on some canals for raising boats between different water levels. An inclined plane is one of the six types of simple machines.